Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This is a swift call. The swift call has a sound all of its own, due to its a 220 swift case enclosed in wood. The Swift call has been the demise of many coyotes and cats. Try one I guaranty you'll love it. Many have said that this is their go to call .
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This call is the SDS ( Song Dog Slayer) This call is extremely easy to blow and will make just about distress sound including bird and pup it will even do a good Howl, it is the loudest distress call I make, its great for wide open country. The call is made from cocobolo..
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This call is extremely easy to blow and will make just about distress sound including bird and pup it will even do a good Howl. It's a great call for thick wooded areas. The call is made from cocobolo
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This call is my pride and joy its a rabid rabbit extreme. This call is extremely easy to blow and will make just about distress sound including bird and pup. The call is made from cocobolo.
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This is a Pup/ Female howler. It makes fantastic howls and coyote vocals. It will also make a very loud distress..
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry Im bringing back the original Rabid Rabbit in cocobolo.n This is so easy to use and sounds so good its the favorite of many. There have been allot of folks ask for it so here it is. This is not the exact call you will get but its will be the same wood. Cocobolo. The call will have a beautiful oil and wax finish. Thanks for lookin.
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This call is the Crazed Cottontail, This call is extremely easy to blow and will make just about any distress sound including bird and pup, it is very high pitched. The call is made from cocobolo..
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This is a closed reed distress made from cocobolo. I can voice it in cotton tail. Jack rabbit both in double reeds or the new coaxer that also does a fantastic bird distress. Please let me know how you would like it voiced when ordering..
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This is a big dog howler. This howler is a full 5 inches long and its very easy to use and sound fantastic..
Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 AM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry This is our New call out for 2020. I brought this call out back in 2013 we could not find a decent supplier for the Reed Material. It is very very thin. I had to discontinue it. The call was a huge success but I could not build them due to the material. I finally found a supplier that can supply the ultra thin reed material so Im bringing them back out. I have already had reports of folks calling cats and coyotes to within 5 feet.. This call is amazing, If you do not have one you defiantly need one. My wife actually designed the tone board. She did a home run with it. Its a very quiet call and will do just about any sound any open reed will make just not as loud. If you get a coyote or cat within 3 or 400 yards use this call. It is a sound tone that they have never heard!!