Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 PM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry
(This is the exact set you will get.)
Up For sale is a 4 call set made from Cocobolo.I got a deal on this wood so im passing it on.. This wood is fantastic.. Included in the set is One Bullet call ( This call is replacing the swift, Swift Brass is getting to hard to find.. This call has the same great sound) and one closed reed call 2 open reed calls One original Rabid Rabbit and one Rabid Rabbit extreme or cottontail your choice let me know during check out..If you don’t put anything I will voice it for your area.. or if you would like the closed reed voiced a special way just let me know during checkout..
I do not have allot of this wood at this price. This is the 1st time I’ve offered this finish and inlay at this price. The only reason I can is the price I got the wood for.. Thanks for lookin..
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