Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 PM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry
First let me thank you for considering my calls. I take great pride in my work, I hope it shows in my calls. I design them to be very easy to use and sound fantastic. My calls require very little air to make them run.
This is a Closed Reed Distress (Bullet call) made Beautiful Box Elder Burl . It’s a real beauty! This call has a deep durable finish that is very time consuming to do. The Call pictured is the call you will get
Call Pricing,
Some calls are more labor intensive than others which affects the price.
Woods especially exotic and Burls I have to pay allot for, That affects the price of the calls.
The grade of wood used. The higher the grade the more it costs me, as the grade goes up my cost on wood goes way up, so I have to charge more for the call.
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