Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 PM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry
First let me thank you for considering my calls. I take great pride in my work, I hope it shows in my calls. I design them to be very easy to use and sound fantastic. My calls require very little air to make them run.
This is a open reed distress call made from an awesome piece of Cholla Cactus and Glow inlay thus the price..
It is voiced in the original Rabid Rabbit it is a real screamer
Call Pricing,
Some calls are more labor intensive than others which affects the price.
Woods especially exotic and Burls I have to pay allot for, That affects the price of the calls. .
The grade of wood used. The higher the grade the more it costs me, as the grade goes up my cost on wood goes way up, so I have to charge more for the call.
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