Please Note: At this time I can only take pay pal through the website checkout. If you would like to pay by card. Please call 435-340-0303 Monday through Friday 6 PM to 5 PM or Sunday same hours. If I cannot answer please leave a message and I will get right back with you. On Saturdays I will be unavailable. Thanks Kerry
This call is my pride and joy its a rabid rabbit extreme. This call is extremely easy to blow and will make just about distress sound including bird and pup. The call is made from cocobolo.
Robert Byrne –
Rabbid Rabbit Extreme is the best open reed call currently on the market.
If you have tried the rest it time to buy the best.
Go down to Walmart and buy some ammunition you will need it!!
Derick (verified owner) –
This call is the best sounding open reed call I’ve ever heard!!! Very well built an it works called in 2 red fox’s first time I used it. Highly recommend this call!
larry J Caldwell (verified owner) –
Great looking easy blowing great sounding call